Social media




Bookmarklet that expands all comments and replies in Facebook posts. This applies only to the full version of the Facebook website (e.g., in the U.S.) and not to other web versions or to versions of the mobile app.

A powerful search engine for exploring in Facebook's big data. Requires you to be logged in to a Facebook account.

Tool for searching on Facebook. Note that it requires you to be logged in to your FB account.

Live broadcasts around the world.

Find accounts by name, email, screen name, and phone.

Download Facebook videos.

Automatically advanced searches for Facebook profiles.

The best tool to search profile data

Search tools to easily find people on Facebook. Requires you to be logged in to a Facebook account.

An alternative to peoplefindThor with more parameters to search Facebook

Facebook related tool that lets you see a user's behaviour on Facebook. Just enter the URL of the users Facebook page.

Find posts on Facebook


Enables search in Instagram on hashtag, users, and area.

Find content published by people in exact location and time.

Find other locations in Instagram’s database near a particular location. Example: Use direct URL with a location ID, e.g.


Visualise and analyse your own LinkedIn network.


Searchable map of geotagged snaps.


Find original posts per Tumblr, thus excluding reblogs.


InVID plugin provides a Twitter advanced search by time interval up to the minute.

Allows to document use cases from the past without APIs and time limit. Allows to search for content within a user-defined time range after a breaking news.

Automates the conversion between calendar date and Unix timestamp in Twitter advanced search:

Tweets map per locations up to 6 hours old, keyword search option.

Geobased Twitter search.

geocode:[coordinates],[radius-km], for example: geocode:36.222285,43.998233,2km

Lots of Twitter statistics (mostly useful or comparative materials/reports).

Chrome extension to visualise Twitter conversations.

Search by date, keywords, etc.

Find reach of tweets. Advanced search operators available, same as Google advanced search.

Check who follows who on Twitter, who write about what, find people, such as influencers in some networks.

Download anyone’s tweets, followers and likes in an Excel sheet. Easy and quick to use, there’s a Chrome extension too. Goes up to 3,200 tweets, followers and likes.

A really cool search tool for current tweets, slogans and hashtags

Service that checks the source of a Tweet.


Reverse image (video still) search and exact uploading time. Searches for a number of still, not each frame is included (thus results may be left out).

Advanced Guide on Verifying Video Content

Search for YouTube videos based on location.


Automatically preserve websites and social media accounts. Easily categorize content while you build your next story.

Looking through social media. Can export the result to a CSV file!

Inteltechniques performs Google keywords on various social media as well as website pages.

Tools for searching in social networks as well as various forums

Search for people and get their visibility score. Another way of searching for users on social media.